December 10, 2021
/I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will lead them and repay them with comfort, creating for their mourners the fruit of the lips. Peace, peace, to the far and the near, says the Lord; and I will heal them. Isaiah 57:18-1
Peace! Peace!
Is there a more urgent cry in our world today? It does seem that our world is in such turmoil. From international borders using refugees fleeing for their lives as weapons, to warfare in countries we would be hard pressed to find on a map, to protests outside hospitals and clinics, to shootings and cars careening through celebratory crowds, it seems there is no peace.
And yet we still cry out for it!
It is still the prayer on our lips.
Peace, if not in a global sense, then maybe just in our home, in our lives.
Just think of those moments in which you might find peace today:
That quiet cup of coffee before the rest of the household awakes.
Sitting and watching the lights on your Christmas tree
Listening to that favorite Christmas song
Heading outside to take a break from the daily news
Taking a walk on the dike and simply enjoying being
Sending a card or a note to a friend who has been on your mind
Watching a sappy movie that makes you feel better through your tears
I know that many times I want to do something that makes a grand difference in the world—that stops gun violence, that helps people just listen. At times, however, I need the reminder of that wonderful hymn, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
So today, I invite you to just pray this breath prayer. Say the first line as you breathe in; the second as you exhale. Offer it several times, until the answer comes.
O Lord I want
To feel your peace
O Lord I want
To feel your peace
O Lord I want
To feel your peace
Don Flowers is the pastor of Port Williams United Baptist Church, grandfather of Beau, father to Alison and Savannah, husband to Anita, and expectant grandfather to Baby “Nate” due in January.