December 13, 2021
/Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 63:7
When I was a little girl, I would always look forward to Christmas Eve as it was always such a special time in our family. It was always a family tradition to have the entire family, including immediate family, cousins and friends, gather after the Christmas Eve church service at my grandparent’s house. For some, it was the first time that year that many of us had had a chance to gather in the same place all at once.
I remember the delicious smells of baked cookies and hot apple cider simmering on the stove that would come from my grandmother’s kitchen. I remember the joyous sounds of laughter and music as we would sing Christmas carols while my uncle played the guitar. We would take turns looking at the old ornaments on my grandmother’s tree and were amazed that some of them were from when she was young.
As a child, I would always eagerly await the knock that would come on the door to signal that Santa had arrived! The sound of the bells on the other side of the door brought so much excitement to every child that was in the room. He would always have presents for all the children and sometimes, adults too. Wrapping paper would fly through the air! All the troubles of the world seemed to disappear on this magical evening.
The year my grandfather passed away was a different Christmas for all of us. We still agreed as a family to keep our tradition alive more than ever. We gathered and shared memories of my grandfather and the happy times we shared. Year after year, we would flock to that tiny home on Ellis Place. Even after I had moved to a different country, I always looked forward to the family gathering on Christmas Eve when I would return for the holidays. It truly felt like I had returned “home”.
This will be the first Christmas that I will have without my grandmother as she passed away this year. When I was going through her old photographs this summer as we were getting ready to sell her house, I found a very special one. In the photo, I am about four years old and I am sitting on her lap in front of her fireplace with the Christmas tree glowing in the background. The look of joy on my face says it all.
The home where all of these happy memories took place is gone, however, these wonderful, happy memories of my grandparents will stay in my heart forever.
Prayer: God, remind us of what you have taught us and help us to live our lives for your people and purposes. Let us be your vessels of hope, love, joy and peace in this world.
Alana MacPhee is a music teacher with the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education. Originally from Newfoundland, she moved to Port Williams 5 years ago with her husband, Michael and daughter, Abby.