December 15, 2021

So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. 

 James 1:16-17 (The Message)

When I think of joy around Christmas I sometimes think of the opposite of it -  disappointment.   Whenever anyone makes a Christmas list, whether it be an adult or a toddler, not everything they put on the list they'll get. Now I know some people do get almost everything they ask for, but if you don't, there is that feeling of uttermost disappointment - especially if you didn't get the thing that you wanted the most. 

But even if you feel disappointed, you can still feel joy in the things you do, in the people you spend time with, and the amazing food you share - which is really just as good! 

Now, getting out of some of the disappointments, Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year. You get to see family members, open presents, and eat good food. But Covid-19 has made everything a lot harder, especially when it comes to enjoying yourself. So, sort of like your Christmas list, and not getting everything you want – Covid has provided disappointments too.

Even in these times, you can still find joy in so many things! Some little things that help bring joy are: a cup of hot chocolate, a carol on the radio, watching it snow outside, staying warm inside, a phone-call with a friend.  So, keep in mind, whenever you feel like Covid is messing things up (which it is) remember all the happy things that make you feel joyful.

Prayer:  Dear God, I pray for a white Christmas - to bring joy for all those alone and unable to be with family.  I pray for health and for the pandemic to end – especially for front-line workers. I pray for safe travels during the holidays.  Amen.

Aaron Caines is 13 years old and in grade 8.  He is officially the tallest kid in his school, loves being 6 feet tall, and getting to sing the lowest notes in his choir. Aaron is part of an award-winning LEGO Robotics team, plays the piano, and has discovered Dungeons and Dragons.