December 23, 2021

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.  Isaiah 9:16 

Headline: Jesus is Missing!

Panic ensues when the Rushton family realizes that Baby Jesus has disappeared. Previously seen as part of a gorgeous ceramic creche set, made by a favourite aunt, the Baby is nowhere to be seen. As time passes it seems that the set will never again be used, without the key presence of the young child.

So many questions go unanswered. Can we have Christmas without Baby Jesus? Could we complete the set in another way? Where would one look for Baby Jesus these days?

Advice is sought from friends and family, to no avail. Months and then years pass.  No-one seems to be able to help to find Jesus.  In desperation the family turns to the Source of All Knowing- Google. A replacement is secured from far away. Word is sent that He is coming at last.  Would he actually get here, or was it a scam? What will he look like? What if he doesn’t fit with the set?  Weeks later, he arrives, heralded not by a distant Star but by a note in a Post Office box. Opening the box, the baby was found, lying not in a manger, but carefully surrounded by soft paper and cotton batting. The Baby is a perfect fit, and the Rushton family is overjoyed to know that this Christmas will be special because Jesus is really here.

In preparing this news story this reporter was struck by the many questions arising from the story? While some seemed obvious, many led to deeper thinking about the significance of Christmas itself and the place of faith in our world. What does it mean to wait for Jesus?

How does this family’s search relate to those times long ago when the world was waiting/searching for a Messiah? How did those people know that Jesus was the One? Were they surprised when he came?  Did he look like they expected? What were the signs?  Without social media how did his influence spread?

In today’s world there are still so many unanswered, but critically important, questions for us as we wait and prepare for the coming of Jesus.  If He came today, how would we know? Which news station would give us “the truth?”  Would the word about his life be regarded as “fake news”? How will we know him when we see him?   Would Jesus be proud of us?

Prayer: As we wait, give us the wisdom to know you despite all the worldly distractions, to receive you with faith and joy, and to honour your birth through our actions, and our living.

Barbara Rushton is a “not very retired” educator, recently relocated to Port Williams. With her husband Bob she shares two remarkable daughters and the best two grandsons in the world. She loves everything about Christmas.