December 5, 2020

Photo Credit: Heather Rushton

Photo Credit: Heather Rushton

 HOPE: A feeling of expectation or a desire for certain things to happen.

 Last year I wrote a devotional about how when I was little, I HOPED to get a rubber ducky, and I did. Another story is about the Grinch, and how he HOPED he would ruin Christmas.  But, what the Grinch hoped for didn’t happen. And that shows us that everything you HOPE for might not happen. For this Christmas, I am HOPING for a new scooter, but that might not happen. Because everything we HOPE for doesn’t always come true.

 At Christmas-time we can HOPE for lots of things, like; presents, snow, and spending time with family. But, there are lots of other things you can HOPE for at Christmas, that I’m not going to list…Okay, I might list a few more. You can HOPE for healthy food, enough money, and a safe home. Not just me, but lots of other people (maybe everyone) is HOPING that COVID-19 will end very soon.

  •  Sometimes when you are sick, you can HOPE to feel better.

  • Sometimes when you are lonely, you can HOPE for a friend to play with you.

  • Sometimes when you are sad, you can HOPE for a hug.

  • And, sometimes when you are angry, you can HOPE to forgive.

 Our family HOPES that every Christmas we will do certain things. On Christmas morning, Aaron and I are always really impatient waiting for Mom and Dad to get their coffee. Because we are really excited to open our presents. So, we HOPE they will hurry!

 Every Christmas Eve, Dad, Aaron and I are at home setting out the cookies and milk for Santa. Aaron and I HOPE Santa will come, because we’d be really sad if he didn’t.

And, for my last HOPE – I HOPE that everyone has a good Christmas this year.

 Dear God,  This year we HOPE for peace and love for all families. We HOPE that you keep us safe and make us strong. We also HOPE for just a little bit of snow. AMEN

 Liam Caines is 9 years old. He lives with his brother Aaron, his Mom and Dad, and his dog Rudy. Liam loves to play the piano and sing, play curling and golf, ride his bike and scooter, and play video games. Liam holds out eternal HOPE for the day that he gets taller.