December 8, 2021

Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11-12

“Not a creature was stirring except the Mother who was bustling to make sure everything was perfect for everyone”.

I read this last year and had a laugh, because how true is it!?

Over the past few years, I’ve found myself not enjoying the Holiday as much as I once had. I found the decorations on shelves before Halloween, the Christmas movie countdown starting on October 27th, the Christmas carol playlist beginning as the clock strikes 12pm on November 11 a bit over the top.

Last year, while battling the onset of early pregnancy nausea, I was forced to slow down the Holiday season. This meant more time at home. More time, for cookie baking, craft making, movie watching, devotional reading, just being in the season.

On Christmas Eve, when everyone was in bed sleeping, and all the “Christmas-ing” had happened. I was sitting in our dim living room, gazing at the little light from our nativity scene that represents the light of the North Star and I imagined what it would have been like, all those years ago, in the manger. Detailed stories paint a very serene picture of stillness and calm, quiet and peace.

I made a decision that all future Christmases would be celebrated in reflection of Jesus’ birth and in that moment, I felt peace, a peace that was so needed at that time. I carried that peace throughout the year. Often at times setting my heart towards that moment and giving it all to Jesus to sort and take care of, as he always does. What a gift!

Of all the scurrying, hurrying and busying of Holidays past, the gift that has given me the greatest sense of peace is the gift of the nativity, Jesus’ birth. How important that is to remember. 

May this Christmas you all remember the true gift of the season and carry His love with you all year long.

Prayer: God, in all of the hustle and bustle this season, may your love provide us a great sense of peace and the ability to see clear your greatest gift of all. Amen

 Breanna Williams MacIntosh lives in Port Williams with her husband, Chris, and her four children.