December 9, 2020

Photo Credit: Don Flowers

Photo Credit: Don Flowers

“I’m late, I’m late for a very important date.”  That was me, in the 60’s. Advent had arrived, with 3 children under 7 and another on the way. I was like the rabbit in Alice In Wonderland, making lists, running here and there and still not even close to getting what needed to be done. I was always running in circles and always priorities were changing. A child hit his head, another had an earache, on and on.

I was in panic mode and then I put my back out!  After tears, I finally went to God and asked “Why? I am trying my hardest?” I waited for an answer, for God answers prayer, and Scripture passages came to mind.

My grace is sufficient.” “All things work for good for those who love the Lord.” “Be still and know that I am God.” Have no anxiety about anything, but with prayer and thanksgiving take your concerns to God and He will give you peace beyond understanding.”

A strange feeling came over me and I knew it was Christ’s Christmas Peace. David and I decided to change our priorities. Less presents, less entertaining, less busy-ness and more family and God time.

You know, we had a much more peaceful Christmas. It was relaxing, even the children were less stressful and demanding, By changing our focus, the “Reason for the Season” became so much more meaningful. Advent became more of a family time, a time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. The gifts of the Advent wreath, hope, peace, joy and love were so much more meaningful. Hope was not “what am I going to get for
Christmas.”  Peace was not “Whew, I got that done.”

It was sitting with the family listening to carols or watching a movie.  Joy was not David and I going out to a Christmas party but rather, it was going sledding and skating with the children. Love was the deeper relationship we felt knowing what the true meaning of Christmas was and wanting to share God’s deep love with those who needed love.

We were given a great gift of peace that year and I have continued to place my Christmas priorities in relationship with God and family. This gift of Christmas Peace is available to all of us and you know, it never wears out. It never deletes, it just keeps on giving and growing. If I had not stopped and cried out to God and listened, I would not have experienced Christmas Peace. The gift is also yours for the asking.

Prayer: Dear Lord, You are always there for us, even when we try to go it on our own. Help us to give you time in this Advent Season so we may hear your “still small voice: and receive Your gift of Christmas Peace. Amen

Liz Johnson, is an ordained minister, a widow of 28 years with 4 children and 7 grandchildren. She helps on the farm, loves to cook and piece quilts and is on too many committees,