December 15, 2020
/Photo by Bob Rushton
“O Come, let us sing to the Lord
Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving
Let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise
For the Lord is a great God” Psalm 95:1
In reflecting on Joy, I thought immediately of the birth of my first child, our son Michael, born in Calgary on Dec. 10th, 1960. With our families far away, we were blessed with friends who shared our joy that special Christmas season.
Next, I recalled a book, “Make A Joyful Sound”, the biography of Mabel Hubbard Gardiner. who was born profoundly deaf and lead a sheltered childhood; later she became a student of Alexander Graham Bell, learning his method of making sounds, which enabled speech. Mabel went on, not only to become his wife, but a socially talented inspirational speaker, alert in business matters and founder of the national Home and School Association.
In this Advent season of COVID-19, it is easy to think of all that we cannot enjoy—no church music, no children’s concert, no fellowship times. The Psalm reminds us that the act, or attitude, of giving thanks leads to joy. Let us give thanks for homes, for health, for our families, and especially for Jesus who came to lead us in “the Way” to live with love, compassion, and joy.
Prayer: Holy God, help us this Advent to find ways to celebrate the coming of Jesus, and to live joyfully as we strive to follow in the Way.
Carole Buckley is a very much retired physiotherapist and B&B host who is married to Ron, the mother of 4, grandmother of 10 and great-grandmother of 5. She is a happy gardener who enjoys reading.