December 16, 2020
/Photo Credit: Don Flowers
Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. Psalm 47:1
Every year, my favourite part of Christmas is the decorations my family puts up for Christmas. We really love to decorate!
The first Sunday in Advent Mommy and Daddy take down all of our Christmas boxes so we can put up our Christmas decorations, our candelabra, and our Christmas lights. I love to set up the lights with Daddy. We usually hope it is not too cold outside because our fingers can get really cold putting the lights in the shrubs and trees. We all help place the candelabra in all of the windows of our house.
I love to set up the Christmas decorations with Mommy. We play Christmas music and transform the house. The reason I love the decorations at Christmas time is because everywhere you look there's some kind of decoration that looks pretty, and they make the house look beautiful, friendly, and welcoming.
The second Sunday in Advent we go to a Christmas tree farm owned by Mr. Levy. I love to help Daddy cut down Christmas trees. We get about 4 to 5 trees each year. After we are done, we have hot cider with a candy cane in it and we pick out homemade Christmas tree decorations. When we get home, we put the trees in their stands and start to decorate. It takes a long time, but it is a lot of fun.
All of our decorations help to bring joy to our house because they remind us of the Christmas season and the joy that Jesus brought to the world when he was born.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the Joy that Jesus brought to each of us on Christmas. Amen.
Fiona Schofield is the eight-year-old daughter of Elizabeth Jackson and Scott Schofield. In her spare time, she loves to dance, swim, play hockey, and play the violin.