December 17, 2021

 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.           Luke 2:11                                         


See It


See it in your mind’s eye

Hear it in a baby’s cry


Bless it – with the ties that bind

and the faith of you and I


Capture the essence of the JOY

Knowing HE is the

one who provides –

the sunlit days and stars

of night,

the wonder of the birds in flight –

the grandeur of the world we see –

its textures, hues, and symmetry.


Delight in brilliance of the LIGHT

HIS son to us, he gave, that night – a Saviour in

a manger born –

that is the Joy of our Lord.


Prayer:  O God, may we learn to capture the essence of your joy.

Teresa Neary was born and grew up in Kentville, Nova Scotia. She is a high school and vocational school graduate and moved to Port Williams in 2002. Teresa is a published poet of her own book and her writings have appeared in newspapers in Nova Scotia several times. She enjoys history, music and socializing.