December 19, 2020
/Photo Credit: Don Flowers
Let me share a thought from Psalm 104:33-34 (NIV): “I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord.”
In the third week of Advent, we focus on the word, “JOY”. “Joy” is a noun which by definition has two significant meanings: “1. a strong feeling of happiness arising from the expectation of some good, or from its realization; 2. a state of contentment or satisfaction.”
When I chose this quote from Psalm 104, I had to ask how does the word “rejoice” relate to the word “JOY”? Well, by definition “rejoice” is a verb which can mean “1. To feel joyful; 2. To fill with joy.” I was encouraged further when I read in the next Psalm 105:43 that the Lord “brought out his people with rejoicing, his chosen ones with shouts of joy.” This text neatly relates the two words.
There are many experiences in life that have filled me with a feeling of joy. For example, as a child I distinctly remember a sense of joy when I recovered consciousness after a serious craniotomy, especially when I found my parents waiting for me when I returned to my hospital room. As a young husband, joy was one of the feelings that I experienced in my relationship with my wife Sharon, and with the birth and life of our three children. As a retiree, I value the joy that has been mine to affirm people in their faith journey as followers and servants of Jesus Christ our Lord.
However, the second dimension of JOY, which is listed as a fruit of the Spirit (c.f., Galatians 5:22-23a), has been a quality that I am grateful that the Lord has provided along with the other eight qualities – Love, JOY, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control; therefore, along with the Apostle Paul I pray that you and I may “keep in step with the Spirit” so that others may experience the grace of God and choose to be a follower of Jesus the Christ.
Prayer: Gracious God, in this Advent Season, I praise you for JOY which gives me contentment and satisfaction. Pour out your grace so that I may be a vessel to share your JOY in the community where I live. In Jesus’ name, AMEN
Ron Baxter is a senior servant of the Lord.