December 20, 2020
/Photo Credit: Bob Rushton
“Love came down at Christmas
love all lovely, love divine
Love was born at Christmas …” Christina Rossetti
Many years ago, when I was attending the Baptist Church in Windsor, one Christmas the choir presented an arrangement of this beautiful hymn. I have always thought the words “Love was born at Christmas” were a wonderful way to refer to the miraculous event when God gave his gift of love to all the world by sending a human version of himself in the person of Jesus, who demonstrated the loving way to live.
Each year during the Christmas season, we see somewhat of a “rebirth” of this love, which God has instilled in each of us, reflected in an increase of expressions of love, kindness, generosity and good will. Everyone needs love and care - especially the lonely, the discouraged and the ill. A “love deed” can be as simple as a phone call, a greeting card or even just a smile – each can gladden the heart of the other.
Mother Teresa reminds us, “Not all of us can do great things but all of us can do small things with great love.” Expressions of love and kindness, given freely without expectation, can be like a pebble thrown in a pond – the ripples spread far and we may never fully know its impact.
Perhaps a way to observe this Advent season might be, to each day, give someone a “love gift” through an act of kindness.
“Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.” (from “O Holy Night”)
May we all feel God’s love in abundance this Christmas season and may we “pass it on” all year long!
Prayer: Dear God, enable us to love; open our eyes, ears and hearts to those around us and may we readily respond in ways that reflect your unconditional love. Amen.
Connie Veinotte is a retired educator, a proud mother and grandmother who enjoys travel and artistic pursuits.