December 21, 2020

Photo Credit: Dilyara Garifullina on Unsplash.

Photo Credit: Dilyara Garifullina on Unsplash.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. I John 4:7-8

 I have to confess that I once believed that love was like pie.  (Note I didn’t say I don’t love pie, because I do!) I thought love was like pie!  There is just so much.  It is limited.  When it is gone, it is gone.

I knew that I had enough love for Anita.  And I even had enough for Alison—with her blue eyes and her vibrant personality.  But when Anita announced that we were expecting another child, I really wondered, “Will I be able to love this child?  Is there enough love to go around?” It only took one glance at Savannah to let me know there was enough love!  She was cuddly and funny and loving.  And it was enough!

And it was!  We enjoyed life, watching our girls grow up, watching them play in the ocean, coaching their basketball teams, seeing them argue in the National Gallery in London over which painting was the best!  I loved them!  But then….

Alison went and fell in love, and James came into our world.  The evening after their wedding Savannah and I sat on the bed and cried that it would “never be just the four of us.”  I cried because I wondered if there was enough love!

Amazingly, there was!  And there was enough for Jon when Savannah brought him into the family.  And now…..Beau!  (There wasn’t any question that there was enough love for him!)

That may be the most amazing thing about love!  There is always, always, always more and enough.  Maybe it goes back to that Bible verse I first learned, “God is love.”

God’s love isn’t limited.  There is always enough for another, for one more, for me!

Prayer:  God, Thank you for your abounding love.  May we feel it in the depths of our being, and having experienced it, share it will our world.  Just like your gift of love, Jesus.    Amen

Don Flowers is the pastor of Port Williams United Baptist Church. His new favourite name is Grandfather.